Thursday, March 23, 2017

Maintenance Tips for Dental Night Guards

If you’re using night guards, take care of it properly to prevent serious health issues. Besides, introducing health problems, improper cleaning of the dental guards can lead to the formation of mold on its surface. To maintain its shape for a long time, you should know some of its cleaning procedures. For your ease, certain tips are shared. Check out to follow them from today onwards.

Night guard for clinchers

Rinse Thoroughly After Removing: Night guard for clinchers is designed specifically to help teeth from getting damaged due to constant grinding. Consequently, wearing it overnight is essential. Immediately after taking the guard out from your mouth, rinse it thoroughly using lukewarm water. This rinsing will remove the dirt and any formed plaque.

Use Toothbrush for Cleaning: Once you’re done with rinsing, lightly brush it with your toothbrush. You can, like many other users, use a separate toothbrush for doing the job. However, using the same brush is also not harmful. While cleaning, avoid applying toothpaste. It’s because the abrasive nature of toothpaste can leave scratches on the night guard.

Dry it prior to Storing: Growth of bacteria accelerates on wet night guards. Hence, experts recommend getting it dried completely before you use it again. Lay the wet guard on a flat and clean surface. Generally, it takes 15-30 minutes to dry such a wet product.

Water and Soap: If you’re wearing mouth guard for the first time, water and soap can clean it effectively. When you add soap to the water for cleansing, the germs will get killed. In this way, you can ensure the hygiene of your night guard. Just like the above two methods, you should do it daily to keep your mouth safe from germs.

Powders and Tablets: Another effective way to clean the mouth guard is to use powders and tablets. Have you ever browsed an online medicine store? If ‘yes’, you’ll know that these tablets are powders are used for cleaning purposes only. Not only they remove the stubborn stains from the mouth guards but also sanitize it. They are easy to use and affordable. Moreover, the tablets used will make your mouth feel fresh once you wear it after cleaning.

Natural Cleansing Methods: Numerous natural cleaning techniques are making the maintenance of mouth guards cost-effective. If on one hand, lemon soaking and vinegar make it look like a brand new one, on another hand, bleach and hydrogen peroxide are also gaining popularity. However, before using any of these methods, consult with your dentist.

Apart from all the tips written above, get the mouth guard examined on regular intervals to ensure that there’s no damage to it. Custom Teeth Devices is one of the many online stores that exclusively supplies quality teeth devices. You can consider taking their service or can ask your near ones for recommendation.